Coding for Humans

Using Design, Psychology and Empathy to Make Code Better

β€œDamon Muma”


Sr Front End Developer, Digital Services, London Life

Interface and Experience Design

Identifying your target market

You and Your Team


  • Rational
  • Forthcoming
  • Super chill
  • Remember all things always

  '.page-List_of_cognitive_biases .wikitable td > b:first-child'



  • Occasionally rational
  • Make mistakes under stress
  • Easily confused, distracted
  • Can solve hella problems, though
  • We deserve to be happy *


  • Special and unique
  • Deadlines
  • Tooling Fatigue
  • Much time debugging
  • Rarely old problems (at least to us) (ideally)

Hell is other people

Jean-Paul Sartre

Hell is other people's code



What are we gonna do?

  • Maximize productivity
  • Decrease frustration
  • Increase happiness
  • Decrease errors
  • Increase adaptability

Our Toolbox:

Process, Tooling, Code


  • Code review
  • Deployments
  • Documenting Requirements
  • Task management
  • Developer Development
  • Knowledge sharing


  • Linting
  • IDEs, your own tools
  • Minifiers, transpilers
  • Package management
  • Version control
  • Testing
  • Module Bundlers
  • Task runners
  • Virtual machines
  • Database migrations


  • Languages
  • Libraries
  • Legacy
  • Style
  • Syntax
  • Structure
  • etc.

Intuitive code 🍼

See code


time = n

Understand Code

See code


time = n/10

Understand Code

  • 2m: find function
  • 2s: read function
  • 8s: reread function, more carefully
  • 3m: get distracted by email
  • 2s: read function
  • 20s: try to figure out what it's doing
  • 3m: google/stack overflow!
  • 3m: distracted by context switch

User Interface Design

  • Discoverability
  • Clarity
  • Hierarchy of information
  • Context
  • Consistency
  • Error prevention and recovery

Noise Reduction 🎡

Signal:Noise Ratio


  • Incomprehensible algorithms
  • Exact Repetition
  • Near Repetition
  • "^\(*\d{3}\)*( |-)*\d{3}( |-)*\d{4}$"
  • Side effects
  • Inexplicable integers
  • syntax?

var newList;
for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
  newList[] = transform(list[i]);


newlist =;

"There are " + data.string1.numDogs + " dogs attacking my "


const {numDogs, target} = data.string1;

`There are ${numDogs} dogs attacking my ${target}`

  numDogs: numDogs,
  target: target

  //same as

{numDogs, target}
Β© Ursus Wehrli
Repetitive tasks prone to human error

Cognitive Load 🚚

Your brain is a finite resource.

  qok = foo()

  myThing = [bar + '', pseudo]

  } else {  //else what?
    return false;

if (!requiredCondition) return false;


  function classMethodNumber45(name, context, arr, mode, elem, data, url, language){
   if {
     //...line 125
     if (data){
        url = url + "data"
          for (var i = returnData.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
            // do some stuff here
   } else if (){



and the curious case of the nested loop

Cyclomatic complexity 😡

The number of unique paths through your application

ESLint rules πŸ‘Œ

  • complexity
  • max-depth
  • max-len
  • max-nested-callbacks
  • max-params
  • max-statements

Reduce the information necessary to understand a given statement πŸ–

Can you say what it does it in a sentence?

Encapsulation & composition πŸŒβ­οΈβ­•οΈ

Clarity 🌞️

Naming things 😰

If you don’t know what a thing should be called, you cannot know what it is. If you don’t know what it is, you cannot sit down and write the code.

Drop hints

const isValid //> valid
const numFerrets || ferretCount //> ferret

//get, fetch, find, create

Use design patterns, carefully

formatter, adapter, service

Specific and Succinct

*watch for easily confused or vague words



78% similarity

SavingsPlans, incomeProducts

Talk to people

Don't not name things

So what?

You are a user interface designer

Build habits

Your process is a design project

Higher and higher

Further Reading